NEW Year NEW Who?

Photo by Sebastian Voortman
Photo by Sebastian Voortman

We turned a page, and it never felt better... at least for me. A new decade really does represent a new start. But this time around I haven't made overwhelming resolutions, or didn't decide to change everything about my appearance (finally).

Instead I have a sense of chill, I feel like no matter what everything will be all right, and I would like to let things unfold on their natural ways, at the right time.

After many years of trial and error I understand now, that the secret is to make small daily changes and promises to ourselves. And yes here is the hard part, to keep the promises. And also when we don't keep it for a day or two not to give up.


I am looking forward to many more exciting, heart beat developing, new adventures!

I would like to thank you for considering me as your makeup artist for your big day!

Being aware of the importance of such a special occasion, I can assure you that my aim will be to support you, and make the process easy for you and your loved ones.


Makeup is fun, beautiful and should be enhancing and comfortable. So let's have fun together and enjoy every moment of the occasion.


Send me a message, and I will make sure to get the process started.
